Trees would have to be some of my favourite things. When I travel, I love seeking out new and unfamiliar species. Although I love visiting the southern forests (where the photo above was taken), after a while I start to yearn for the wide open spaces of my childhood spent in the south eastern wheatbelt. Although I love and appreciate trees, I prefer to live where I can see the horizon.
Trees are great for kids – for dreaming, connecting with nature and playing imaginative games. I was enchanted when my children discovered and embraced The Magic Faraway Tree series by Enid Blyton with the same joy I had.
Trees are also great for building cubbies and creating and ruling over one’s own domain. My eldest son, Atticus and his grandfather recently constructed a second treehouse on our suburban block. Although my kids are not growing up on a farm with wide open spaces to explore, they still get to experience nature in a very real way. This new treehouse has been a lot of fun! Atticus does his homework up there, reads books and has even made an attachment for the hose up in the treehouse, so he can have an outdoor shower when he returns from the beach.

I have wonderful memories of being inspired by a book with pictures and plans for building your own tree house (and I loved Swiss Family Robertson). I’m so glad my kids can experience this joy too. The tree house pictured above required adult help, but kids are very creative and often improvise as the picture below illustrates!
You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12