I’ve been missing in action from my blog over the past few weeks, a few trips away and busyness keeping me from my usual posting schedule. I’ll update soon on a couple of things I’ve been up to. I’m happy to be back in time to share with you some of our celebrations for the risen King Jesus.
Entertaining has to be one of my favourite activities, so it was fun to put together a table setting for a dinner to be shared with friends over the Easter weekend. I love looking on Pinterest for ideas and found some inspiration here to make the cabbage vases and here for the free rabbit printable. A lot of Easter images from Pinterest are from the Northern Hemisphere based on Spring colours and themes, so sometimes it is a challenge to adapt them for our Autumnal Easter weather. I love this season with it’s hint of the coolness to come.
The cabbage vases were particularly fun to make and very economical, since cabbages are so inexpensive. The one on the right is made with the outer leaves of the cabbage wrapped around a glass jar, with flowers picked from our garden.
I like to incorporate some craft into our Easter celebrations if circumstances permit. I was a little short on time this year, but managed to dye some eggs with the kids using a purple cabbage natural dye from here. I was really happy with the way they turned out. I made the bunnies last year for each of my children using an old woollen blanket from the op shop, as well as one of my old woollen jumpers for the backing.
And of course, the kids love an Easter egg hunt with the anticipation and joy of finding that which is hidden.
I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. Isaiah 45:3
This is beautiful!
Thanks Swoozie!
Enjoyed your post Sarah and while Easter has passed the rewards of our seeking continue unabated
Thanks Gordon, they sure do!