
DIY Christmas Wreath


I love making things at Christmas, but I often find myself running out of time with all the other end of year events that pop up. I’ve started early this time to see if I can squeeze in a few projects. I had a lovely time making the wreath above which was inspired by a Mollie Makes calendar I saved from a few years ago.

I started with a wire coat hanger which my son kindly bent into a circle shape for me. It’s great having kids who’ve grown old enough to help you with things like this! Next, I cut some long thin strips of Christmas fabric, put some multigrip glue on the back of the fabric and wound it around the wire, overlapping it as I went. I also used a strip of fabric to make a hanger. I glued this together, but also put a row of hand stitching at the base to make it secure.

After this I glued some vintage Christmas cards, which I had collected over the years from antique shops and fairs onto the wire base. I love anything vintage (and especially old cards), but you could use some more modern ones if you prefer. I left the cards to dry overnight and then stuck on some embellishments and some old stamps from my childhood stamp collection.

Ta da! A fun and quick project, finished and ready to hang once I added some fresh pine branches.


Do you run out of time for the fun of Christmas crafting with all the busyness of this time of year or do you start your projects way ahead of the festive season?

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